500W-1KW 432MHz LDMOS Power Amplifier kit


500W-1KW UHF Power Amplifier kit


Board futures:

LDMOS type  –  BLF578, BLF578XR, BLF188XR, MRFE6VP61K25H, BLF184, BLP05H9S500P

PCB material  –  ARLON TC-350, 2oz, tin plated for output part and FR4 for input

RF input power  –  2+ W for 500W  output, LDMOS type depended

RF output power  –  500-1000W max,  LDMOS type depended

Supply  –  50V/35A Max


Lot doesn’t include LDMOS power transistor

You need at least power supply, control board, copper plate and output LPF to get amplifier working

Additional information

Weight 0.180 kg


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